Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

A psychosocial recovery coach is a skilled coordinator and ally who may draw on personal or professional history and experience of mental health systems to support NDIS participants with a psychosocial disability. A Community Connections Recovery Coach assists you to build and sustain greater choice and control of your supports, to foster participation and involvement in ‘natural’ networks of family, friends and communities, and to achieve your NDIS goals as they relate to day-to-day living.

Psychosocial recovery coaches at Community Connections for Inclusion support NDIS participants with psychosocial disability to build personal autonomy, resilience and improved social connectedness within a rights-based framework informed by the social model of disability. Our team members work collaboratively with individuals, their families, friends and direct support services to design and implement plans that support their wellbeing and development as well as the coordination of NDIS and other supports. CCI Psychosocial recovery coach coordinators have personal and / or professional experience of Australia’s mental health service systems.

How we Assist You

We will work closely with you and your support network to help you to achieve your NDIS goals. Community Connections will:

  • Support you to achieve greater choice and more control over the supports you need.
  • Work with to develop an outcome-focused complex support plan tailored to your circumstances, needs and goals.
  • Offer you the insights, skills and expertise of coordination coaches with deep personal and / or professional experience of the NDIS, mental health and other service systems.
  • Assist you to sustain or establish effective supports, improved ‘natural’ networks of friends, family or community and, where necessary, specialist services (whether NDIS funded or mainstream).
  • Act swiftly to help you resolve or prepare for potential crisis situations.
  • Work with you and your support networks to seek specialist advice that assists you manage any risks in your situation.
  • Identify, explore and assist you to connect with peer support or advocacy services if this is something you require.
  • Help you monitor your own progress towards your NDIS goals and the performance of the support services you use.

Get Started

Get in touch with Community Connections for Inclusion.