Community Connections for Inclusion is dedicated to supporting people with disability to be involved as active members of their community.

Based in Canberra, our team is committed to supporting people with disability:
- have greater choice and control over their funded supports
- to be more active and engaged in community life
- to develop and maintain greater independence and participation
Established in 1998, we are a non-government, not-for-profit organisation. We are a NDIS registered provider for:
- support coordination
- specialist support coordination
- psychosocial recovery coaching
- plan management
Find out more about our organisation, our team and our connections.
Our vision
All people are valued and included.
Our mission
Community Connections supports people with disability to promote and develop roles as valued, participating and contributing members of society.
Our values
We recognise:
- The rights of people with disability as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability
- People with disability are important members of the community
- Each person is an individual with rights, unique needs and aspirations
- Families and/or friends are critical in the life of each person with disability
- Planning with each person helps them meet their goals
- Timeliness, flexibility and responding to cultural needs and values are essential to the support we provide
- People with disability have the right to choose and control every aspect of their support arrangements, including the support we provide
That’s why we base all our actions on these values:
- respect
- responsiveness
- personalisation
- inclusion
- integrity
We operate under principles of:
- a rights-based framework
- anti-discriminatory practice
- the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability
- choice and control by the people we support